23 February 2025, Sunday, 23:44
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Charter 97!

‘Lukashists, Hands Off Charter!’

‘Lukashists, Hands Off Charter!’

We all have a chance to win.

The website Charter97.org has been breaking the informational blockade for the 12th day in a row. The readers’ feedback demonstrates one important thing: we stay in tune with the Big Land.

«They read Charter’97 in state institutions! I know for sure that, for instance, in the Press House absolutely everyone open the website and read it. And discuss afterwards. Those who cannot use a computer and internet – sadly, there still are such people – someone else prints it out for them and puts on their desks!»

«No matter how convincing they are on TV , trying to persuade us that our life is good, every person judges by themselves. Life became much more complicated, wages fell, prices grew. And the kolkhoz man with his boot-lickers seems to have no desire to get real, to understand that the people hate them.»

«They will unblock the Charter sooner or later, I am sure. Meanwhile, almost everyone found the way to access the site. However, I rejoice that the current authorities made such a stupid mistake. Nothing can be done here, this is our government’s trademark, the non-professionalism. This action united Belarusians, raised the popularity of Charter, and showed the regime’s true face. I would like to wish Charter good luck, and the main thing is: Belarusians will continue supporting you as they did before.»

«The Kyiv Maidan in December 2013 demanded Yanukovych’s resign and holding a new presidential election and a new election of the Verkhovna Rada members. «Political analysts» called these demands unrealistic and urged to disperse the Maidan, to «save strength» to the election-2015. Although it was obvious in the end of 2013 that there would be no elections any more after the deception with the association with the EU. Any sane person saw that nothing could be expected from the pathological liar and sneaky sadist (ostrich lover). Still, political analysts insisted on what they said.»

«That graff-voiced man is going mad, not knowing how to press the people, feeling that his end is coming. The people already figured out who rules the country, no one believes this gang which keeps on pouring lies on the people with the help of the Belarusian Television. The people take a look at their own lives and see that they have never lived this bad for the last 25 years. The leaders made themselves a luxury life, while the people are impoverished, who will respect such leaders? He is hated by the people, that’s what he got from the people. Only hatred.»

«My family and I support Charter. We will continue reading it as we did before. And those «blockers» need to have some sense in their heads. It’s as impossible to block Charter as to switch off the sun.»

«No to obscurantism and obscurants! Viva Charter!!!»

The fact remains that the greatest threat to the society comes precisely from the two-legged beings who occupy the state positions. They are trying to convince us that we do not need self-defense and the right to it. Like, for this there are police, prosecutors, courts, the State Control Committee, executive committees, all other types of state officials in the rights to our lives, freedom, property and destiny.

Who has not yet experienced the power of this «defense»? Who has not yet come across the «happiness» to experience the «usefulness» of the «state care»? Are there still such?

Are we being protected from terror? And what about the explosion in the metro? Maybe they protect us from thieves, or from bandit attacks? Maybe someone found the truth in the so-called courts? A police officer defended someone from a bandit with own chest? Children are deprived of their parents for their happiness? And how much care do we have for pensioners?

It's simple. They climb on your neck, urge, clean your pockets and persuade you this is for your own good, if only you let them to. So, maybe it's time to get smart?»

«Only those who struggle win! Charter and we will win together!»

«The evil cannot last forever. The good will win in the end. The dark times in Belarus will be over, and the country will become a full-fledged member of the EU and NATO».

«The bosses only expand the people’s computer literacy. Even pensioners learned how to bypass the block… Those wooden minds have not yet realized that the internet remains an open network so any attempt to block it is to siphon-off the budget...»

«Every day it gets harder for Lukashenka to keep face when things get bad. It means we all have a chance to win. We shall overcome!».

«I think we should not contact the authorities on the matter of lifting the block, whatever happens. They WANT it so much. I would set an example which may seem bad from the point of view of our ideological position, but it is so illustrative. When Kutuzov won the Borodino battle, Napoleon was sitting in Moscow for several months, waiting for the people to bring him keys to the city. He failed though. So, our authorities are waiting for Charter to come begging to them. I think it would be right to ignore them. However, at the same time it is needed to steer up the international community with regard to this blocking. I am sure victory will come. Not just will come, Charter has already won!»

«There are more good people than bad. It’s hard for me to learn new things, I am in my seventies. However, I bypassed all the blocks successfully, with the help of the young people who know everything. Go to the people, unite! We are great power when we are together! We will block Drazdy sooner than they block us.»

«Charter is doing its thing confidently, to ensure the truth defeats lies. Everything is still ahead».

«Time to create lists of those who blocked Charter, something like «Magnitski list»

«These authorities are already afraid of their own shadow. But if you analyze their «activities», then they have the reason to fear. They have already «earned» for themselves. But with Charter - this is way too much».

«Most leaders want to get rid of this lying, blood-thirsty and insane monster. I think the society is almost ripe for the new life without those».

«Even the man with the mustache himself reads Charter, let alone his servants. It took 23 years to tear off the mask from the ogre who is ruling a 10-million country in the center of Europe. Most of all he is scared of the truth, that is why he is trying to block the source of truthful information. Lukashists, hands off Charter!»

«They still do not realize that there are none of «them» any more! It’s too late».

«Yes, their time passed. That is why those Drazdy dwellers of all levels are so wrapped with fear! It’s so good to see this! The only thing that needs to be done is to make up our minds and throw this inhuman «power» out of our lives!».

«I Am Charter’97!!!

I Am Charter’97!!!

I Am Charter’97!!!

I Am Charter’97!!!

I Am Charter’97!!!

I Am Charter’97!!!

I Am Charter’97!!

I Am Charter’97!!!

I Am Charter’97!!!

I Am Charter’97!!!

I Am Charter’97!!!

...all over again, everywhere».

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