23 February 2025, Sunday, 15:40
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On Constitution Day...

On Constitution Day...

On Constitution Day, let us turn our attention to Article 33.

On March 15, Belarus celebrated the Constitution Day. Belarusian blogger Viktar Malisheuski reminded how the Basic Law works in Lukashenka's Belarus.

"On Constitution Day, you can list its numerous wonderful articles, but we will turn our attention to one of them...

Article 33. Censorship is not allowed. The details are on the websites Charter97.org and belaruspartisan.org," – Viktar Malisheuski wrote on his Facebook page.

We remind that on January 24, Lukashenka's regime blocked the independent information resource Charter97.org. The blocking was confirmed by the first deputy minister of information Ihar Lutski. The Ministry of Information is headed by Aliaksandr Karliukevich.

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