Dozens Of Banners "Freedom To Charter-97!" Appear In Brest
1- 19.04.2018, 12:17
- 17,808
The event was held in defense of freedom of speech in Belarus and Russia.
Brest once again demanded to unblock the Charter-97 website.
Banners and leaflets with demanding "Freedom to Charter-97!" appeared in the crowded places of the city.
In the comments to Radio Racyja, a resident of Brest called this a general expression of the attitude to pressure on the independent mass media and journalists in Belarus and Russia:
"Every dictatorship, every dictator fears free uncensored speech. Belarus, where authorities block independent websites and persecute journalists and bloggers, is the example of this. Recently, we see this in Russia, where a real war against social networks unfolded. Therefore, the duty of citizens is to resist this, not let them strangle the free speech."
The Brest dweller believes, that every citizen of Belarus understanding the value of the freedom of speech should stand up to this and do everything he or she can to protect the freedom of independent media.