23 February 2025, Sunday, 9:00
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Stanislau Shushkevich: Lukashenka Is Worst Kind Of Dictator

Stanislau Shushkevich: Lukashenka Is Worst Kind Of Dictator

The Belarusian people are much more educated than their ruler.

On April 2, the Belarusian Association of Journalists received draft amendments to the Law on Mass Media from the authorities. Web-based media will have to be registered, identification of users writing comments will be mandatory. After blocking the Charter-97, prosecuting bloggers and repressing independent journalists, the authorities decided to establish strict control over the media sphere and totally destroy freedom of speech in Belarus.

At the same time the decree "On the development of the digital economy" came into force on March 28. It is supposed to turn a collapsing "Lukonomy" (economy by Lukashenka) into a harbor of the world IT business "by the stroke of a magic wand."

Can a country where the most severe censorship prevail and independent websites are blocked become a digital state? Site Сharter97.org asked the first head of independent Belarus Stanislau Shushkevich to comment on this:

– I have read the analysis of the announced amendments and expert opinion on this matter. It will be just awful if they are adopted. But such decisions are not surprising, the regime should somehow secure itself. It's very simple: after the "Charter-97" was blocked, the authorities decided to set hands to all the others.

We are dealing with a dictatorship of the worst kind, led by an ignoramus. By the way, an illegitimate ignoramus.

– The biggest paradox is that all this is happening to the accompaniment of statements that "Belarus is turning into an IT state," into "European Singapore."

– People who use such comparisons do not understand the essence of the matter. Singapore is a country with a very diverse population. Nothing would have worked there, apart from drill and tough decisions.

While Belarus is a European country with a high level of civilization and education of the population. It is even higher than the level of civilization of the "president."

Therefore, Lukashenka can retain his power only by force. He strives for this, because he will not be able to hold the power in any other way. The system staggers. It is needed to shut mouths of those who explain the truth to people. And if they are not shut up, then they should be pressed down. The authorities are frightened and defense themselves actively.

– How should the international community respond?

– Belarusians need to think about what they can do themselves, and not rely on the international community. Undoubtedly, it must express its opinion, but the rescue of a drowning man is the drowning man's own job.

Belarusians should look at our economic indicators. This is the most precise indicator of the effectiveness of this power.

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