Artsiom Charniak: I Joined Opposition Owing To Charter’s Articles
1- 11.09.2018, 9:24
- 19,279
Today, new people join the resistance, because they learn the right news.
European Belarus activist Artsiom Charniak has written that on Facebook.
"I learned about European Belarus from Charter’s articles nine years ago and came to the opposition soon afterwards. These have been the coolest years of my life. The super stir, the adrenaline of street fighting, the best friends.
Today, new people join the resistance, because they learn the right news by reading Charter. And some of them they learn in the streets.
Happy birthday, Charter! You are cool! Long Live С!
It will be recalled that on September 3 editor-in-chief of Charter-97 Natallia Radzina announced the threat to informational resource cause by drastic reduction in financing and called readers for solidarity. Ways to support the website:
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