Putin's Daughter Given Multi-Million Grant From Russian Budget To Work On Extending Life Of Elderly
13- 11.03.2025, 3:13
- 9,276

Maria Vorontsova is under Western sanctions.
Putin's eldest daughter, endocrinologist Maria Vorontsova, has won a 30 million roubles grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) despite having a low Hirsch index, a measure of a scientist's citation rate and number of publications. According to T-Invariant, the grant is dedicated to the study of cell renewal processes in the body as a basis for longevity and human health, and the funds have been allocated under the programme for financing world-class scientific laboratories.
Vorontsova's Hirsch index is only about 5 points (according to the Russian database elibrary.ru). At the same time, most of the 26 winners of the RSF grant competition in 2025 have an index ranging from 30 to 60 units, the journalists found out from the Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar databases, in which Vorontsova's profile is absent.
In this way, she is trying to raise her profile in the country's scientific hierarchy, believes one of the permanent RSF grantees. ‘It is not very clear why Vorontsova needs those kopeck sums, about 30 million roubles. Obviously, they will find any kind of money for her aging work. Probably, she is like a wedding general: the application was written by her colleagues in the faculty, and for her it is important in terms of academic status,’ he noted.
Vorontsova is a candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, deputy dean for scientific work of the faculty and a member of the Academic Council of the university. She is also considered the supervisor of the state programme for developing Russian genetics for 127 billion rubles, the publication notes.
In the spring of 2022, Maria Vorontsova was included in the sanctions lists of the European Union, the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and Japan. ‘Vorontsova manages state-funded programmes that have received billions of dollars from the Kremlin for genetic research and are personally supervised by Putin,’ the US Treasury Department said in a statement.