6 March 2025, Thursday, 6:34
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Charter 97!

Police Officers Pack Paddy Wagon With Children In Kopyl

Police Officers Pack Paddy Wagon With Children In Kopyl

They called the event ‘the day of open doors’.

The police organized a dubious event called ‘the day of open doors’ in the town of Kopyl, Minsk region, during which they filled a paddy wagon with children. The event, advertised as ‘informative’, in fact, became a tool to promote service in the security forces among schoolchildren.

According to the district newspaper, during the event the children were not only shown the work of the police, but were also given weapons. Meetings with the riot police, who spoke about their activities, only reinforce the impression that such activities are aimed at forming children's loyalty to the security forces from an early age.

The fact that such events, where children are given weapons ‘for familiarisation’, are held all over Belarus, is of particular concern. And if earlier such events were limited to schoolchildren, now they have been introduced even in kindergartens.

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