9 March 2025, Sunday, 17:35
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Belarusian Companies With Branches In Lithuania Became Targets For Minsk Intelligence

Belarusian Companies With Branches In Lithuania Became Targets For Minsk Intelligence

Lithuanian special services have revealed details.

One of the targets of Minsk intelligence was companies that opened branches in Lithuania but did not cease their operations in Belarus, according to the latest report on the assessment of threats to national security.

As the analysis of the State Security Department and the Second Investigation Department (AOTD) showed, employees of the Belarusian special services are monitoring such companies in Belarus, writes delfi.lt.

According to the services, Minsk intelligence has information not only about individuals working in Belarus, but also about individuals working in Lithuania, focusing special attention on employees of these companies who are even minimally involved in the activities of the opposition.

It is noted that, using the available information about these individuals, employees of the Belarusian special services establish remote contact with them, exert pressure and try to lure them to Belarus.

It is reported that if they agree to come to Belarus, representatives of the Belarusian diaspora are interrogated, often detained, and attempts are made to recruit them.

In addition, the report states that the Belarusian special services force representatives of the Belarusian diaspora to cooperate with them, intimidating them with the safety of relatives who remain in their homeland and the right to manage real estate or business in Belarus.

The analysis shows that, when searching for human sources, the Belarusian special services are increasingly using remote communication tools.

According to intelligence, they are used to establish and maintain contacts with agents operating abroad. The Belarusian special services instruct recruited individuals to collect open and closed information about Lithuanian institutions, the Belarusian diaspora, and the democratic opposition, the State Security Department and the AOTD assure.

Belarusian intelligence poses a threat to Lithuania

According to the State Security Department and the Second Investigation Department, the Belarusian special services pose a threat to Lithuanian citizens traveling to Belarus, as they are subject to inadequate actions that are incompatible with international law.

“Belarusian special services conduct intelligence surveys of arriving Lithuanian citizens and illegally detain them. Lithuanian citizens are detained for supporting the Belarusian opposition, and criminal prosecution is instituted against them for their political views and criticism of the Belarusian regime. In such cases, the Belarusian special services and law enforcement agencies use extremely harsh methods, using excessive force during detentions,” the report says.

“Since 2023, Belarusian intelligence services have been fabricating various cases against Lithuanian citizens, and the accusations are often groundless and politically motivated. According to intelligence assessments, by carrying out these hostile activities, the Belarusian regime seeks to exert pressure to change Lithuania's foreign policy towards Belarus, as well as to create a narrative for the country's society about Belarus being surrounded by allegedly hostile states,” the services emphasize.

Russia's use of Belarusian airspace poses a threat to NATO Despite the current absence of Russian ground troops on the territory of Belarus, the analysis shows that the Kremlin continues to use Belarusian airspace without restrictions.

Since July 2024, Russia has been launching Geran-2 (Shahed-136) drones to Ukraine through Belarusian airspace. According to intelligence data, some drones cross Belarusian airspace and fly to Ukraine, while others, after entering Ukrainian airspace from Russia, fly to Belarus and return to Ukraine again.

However, individual drones deviate from their route and pose a threat to NATO countries bordering Belarus.

“On September 7, 2024, after flying over Belarus, a Russian Geran-2 (Shahed-136) crashed in Latvia. The Belarusian Air Force and Air Defense Forces are responding to a smaller number of kamikaze drones entering Belarusian airspace. There have been cases when the Belarusian Armed Forces shot down Russian Geran-2 (Shahed-136), but Belarus either does not disclose the identity of the downed drones or does not report the incidents,” the report says.

The State Security Department and the Second Investigation Department (AOTD) have published the tenth report on the assessment of threats to national security.

As every year, this document provides an overview of the events, processes, and trends that have the greatest impact on the national security situation in Lithuania.

Taking into account long-term trends affecting national security, the report provides assessments of the most important threats and risk factors that may arise for Lithuania's security in the near future.

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