20 января 2025, понедельник, 17:02
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 4
+2 +
Gabbahey, 12:03, 20.01

"Professor David de Meza , a co-author of the study, also highlighted the social costs of failed businesses. He noted that while policymakers often promote entrepreneurship as a driver of economic growth, they may overlook the personal and financial consequences of failure.
"The personal and social consequences of failed ventures should not be underestimated, and that is exactly what optimists do. Policymakers should not encourage the wrong kinds of start-ups," he said.

I'm guessing Professor David de Meza has never started his own business. With such a pessimistic view nobody will take the risks necessary to be an entrepreneur.

If someone fails it is easy to say.. see you never should have taken the chance. Many Entrepreneur's I know fail at first, learn from this and keep trying over and over until they succeed.

+2 +
Ххх, 14:15, 20.01

Самые главные черты характера для успеха бизнеса это блат и лизоблюдство

+3 +
эзоп, 14:57, 20.01

Называйте вещи правильно) не блат и лизоблюдство, а нетворк и дипломатичность + клиентоориентированность.

+1 +
Юстас , 15:14, 20.01

Про "акулы бизнеса" слыхали? По-английски -"Shаrks". Все значения слова "Shark", дословно из переводчика Гугл: "акула, шулер, мошенник, блестящий знаток, вымогатель". Вот и все "черты характера".

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